4 Tips To Install a Brand New Transmission In Your Car

If you’ve been into cars and modifying them is not just a hobby for you and have been looking to install a brand new transmission by yourself, this blog is sure going to suffice your gearhead thirst! The first thing before learning how to do it yourself, you have to look for the best transmission company that will guide you on which one should work the best for your car. Once, that’s done, start by getting the car up as high as you can with a lift or a screwjack to start the process. Here are a few tips that you must keep in mind before installing a transmission. Plan on which transmission you want. A manual transmission is seen to be lighter in weight, making it much easier for you to align it perfectly with the crankshaft. If you buy a transmission from an authentic company, you’ll find warnings written all over the packet in orange or red colors. Make it a point to not ignore them even a bit. You could end up damaging the shaft or the engine itself. Not following the warning will ...