
Showing posts from October, 2021

New Vs Rebuilt Transmission: Which One Is a Better Option?

New always sounds exciting and in most cases, it is worth it but now always. In some cases, this is nothing more than a mere first impression. For instance, in vehicles, going for a rebuilt 350 transmission can be a wiser choice. However, you might still be fascinated about a new transmission; as new is always better, they say. Today, we will discuss how a rebuild can be a better choice in most cases. This will further help you be sure about what’s best for your vehicle as well as your pocket. Are rebuilds really better? In case of transmissions, yes, they are a better choice in most cases. The first thing to understand here is that not all the ‘new’ transmissions are actually ‘new’. You might be shocked hearing this at first but that’s the truth. Most of the new transmissions available in stores are actually factory rebuilt ones and being sold as new. There are very few names such as Audi that provide completely new built transmissions. The question still remains the same. Are rebuild...

The OG vs. The Powershift: Difference Between Ford's Auto Transmissions

What is the new Ford Powershift? Comprising of a six-speed dual-clutch, Powershift is the newest addition to the Ford auto transmission series. Built by Getrag, the Ford Powershift has an improved fuel system. The efficiency of this Powershift is said to be almost ten percent higher than the original automatic transmission. A dual-clutch transmission works similarly to two classic manual transmissions, each with its own clutch, shifting in tandem and alternately. The Ford gearbox has two clutches, one for first, third, and fifth gears and the other for second, fourth, sixth, and reverse gears. The 2-4-6-R clutch is disengaged as the first gear is engaged, and the second gear gears are engaged. The 1-3-5 clutch is disengaged, and the 2-4-6-R clutch is engaged at the right time—the opposing side changes from first to the third while in second gear. Dry clutches and electric motor/solenoid actuation were employed in some PowerShift transmissions, including the 6DCT250 DPS6 version used in...