Upgrades That Will Make Your 4L60E Transmission Perform Better
Upgrading to a high-performance transmission can transform your car. Still, you don't need to spend money to get the benefits. There are plenty of inexpensive upgrades to make your 4L60E transmission perform better every time you get behind the wheel. If you're looking for more power, these are the upgrades you should consider: Shift Kit A shift kit is one of the most common upgrades for most automatic transmissions. It improves the speed and effectiveness of gear changes, making your car more efficient, responsive, and fun to drive. A shift kit also reduces premature wear on your 4L60E transmission , making it last longer and perform better over time. Transmission Cooler Transmissions use fluid pressure to deliver power to the driveshaft from the engine. The fluid gets hot as it does this job, and too much heat can cause damage. A transmission cooler transfers some heat away from the fluid and into the air, so the fluid stays in better condition. This reduces friction and wear...