700r4 Torque Converter Lockup Kit - How it works

Have you ever wondered how engines work? Well, if you’re a car enthusiast, you must be aware about how the air-fuel mixture is ignited and what causes the piston to move and what are 2 and 4 stroke engines. However, did you know that the engine is connected to the transmission system of your car with the help of a clutch-gear system? But, in the case of the latest cars being made, there is an autotransmission, wherein there is no manual gear changing required. So what causes the gear shift? A torque converter!

A torque converter is a kind of liquid coupling, which enables the motor to turn to some degree free of the transmission. In the event that the motor is turning gradually, for example, when the auto is lingering at a stoplight, the measure of torque went through the torque converter is little, so keeping the auto still requires just a light weight on the brake pedal.

The most widely recognized utilization of the 700r4 Torque Converter Lockup Kit is while towing a substantial Caravan, Horse Float or Boat on the parkways. When you are at your coveted speed, initiate the framework by pressing the switch. Once actuated, the converter will balance out and keep up revs simply like a manual vehicle regardless of whether you take your foot off the accelerator. This is the place you get 100% motor braking for giving you more control on downhill drops.

You can now easily buy 700r4 Torque Converter Lockup Kit online at various websites. But first, be sure that you fully understand how to use it, lest it should cause any problems.

700r4 torque converter lockup kit


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