How To Improve Automatic Transmission Performance

Transmissions are designed to move a vehicle with minimal effort from the engine. Transmissions are the most complex object in a vehicle other than the computer system. Keeping a transmission clean and operating correctly ensures a longer life.

There are 6 ways to improve automatic transmission performance and reliability.
  • Verifying the automatic transmission condition. You’ll need a flashlight for this. Open the hood to the vehicle and check the transmission fluid. At last, check the vehicle for leaking fluid. 
  • Servicing the automatic transmission. You need to make sure that your vehicle is parked on a flat, hard surface. You will need materials such as safety glasses, floor jack, torque wrench, and wheel chocks. Place the wheel chocks around the rear tires. Engage the parking brake to lock the rear tires from moving.
  • Changing driving habits. Start the vehicle up and take it for a test drive with a helper. After the road test, analyze the data recorded. Look to see what RPM or speed the shifting was performed at. Take the vehicle out for another test drive. Make an effort to change when you shift the transmission.
  • Driving with lower when loaded or town driving.
  • Having proper alignment of tires. Having the tire alignment right can make a major difference in how the transmission operates during various driving conditions. It is an easy task to adjust the tires on your own without the necessity of any special tool.
  • Checking the correct tire type.
Consider all these tips for the performance transmission of your vehicle to improve its reliability and also enhance its lifespan.

performance transmission


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